Because what the internet needs is more wittering about rubbish parenting

Monday, 31 January 2011

My Husband is Not Bad At All

What has Husband done to earn such enthusiastic praise, I hear you cry? Well, as I think I may have mentioned, he bought me a train ticket to London to go and see my sister as a Christmas present, and did a sterling job of looking after The Toddler this weekend while I did so (with a little help from the Grandmas). He even did some washing. He's a keeper.

The weekend was lovely. As much as being with my child is thrilling and rewarding and whatever, being away from her every now and again is pretty damn good too. It's nice to get woken up by daylight instead of whingeing. It's nice to eat all of your breakfast without it being taken off your plate when you're not looking. And it's really nice to go out and do growed-up things, like go to the theatre (not serious theatre, dahhling, but the rather fun and fabulous Wicked) and indulge in a sneaky white wine and lemonade (I know, a bit teenager-like, but they had no soda).

And another, quite unexpected, nice thing. I was looking forward to having time to just be me, but of course, I'm not just me at the minute, am I? I'm me and The New'un. And in the whirlwind of life that is looking after The Toddler as she simultaneously learns new things (more words, where all the exciting gadgets in the living room are hidden) and forgets things (not to put money in her mouth, that she's not supposed to go up stairs on her own), I don't get much time to remember that. So it was good to have the chance to enjoy being pregnant, and to think about The New'un, not just as a sibling for The Toddler, as I have a tendency to do, but as a brand-new little person in its own right. Because I still woke up at the indecent hour of 8.10am on Sunday morning, I got to lie in bed in total peace, feeling The New'un having a little squirm, and wondering if it will be a boy or a girl, and what it might look like, and what kind of personality it might have. So a very good weekend, all told. And to think, for Husband's Christmas present from me, he got a jar of jellybeans and a book about Lego. I may have to try harder next year.

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