Because what the internet needs is more wittering about rubbish parenting

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Resolution Update

It's February already. How did that happen? I'm still having trouble with it being the 21st century, if I'm honest. But so if we are really one down, eleven to go in 2011, it seems like a good time to see how I'm doing with those resolutions I recklessly made when the year was shiny and new.

New Year's Resolution No. 1 - Update blog more often.
Erm.. I dunno, what do you guys reckon, do I need to do it more? I think I've been a bit better. I'm still a bit lame though, and need to be better. Some people do their blogs, like, every day. They must have much more exciting lives and many more profound thoughts than me.
VERDICT: Fail. Must try harder.

New Year's Resolution No. 2 - cook wholesome and nutritious meals for all the family, and resort less to cheese sandwiches and that culinary classic, pasta and Philedelphia.
I'm trying! Now that I'm finally feeling better, I have remembered how to cook things. I even made barbecue chicken and fried rice in honour of Chinese New Year yesterday lunchtime, which The Toddler wolfed down. Although she did have pasta and philedelphia for tea. And a piece of cheese for tea tonight. (I'm not starving her, I hasten to add, she's been at a birthday party eating Wotsits, grapes and Maltesers all day. Healthy.)
VERDICT: Pass. There was spinach in yesterday's pasta, and I ate half her Maltesers, so that makes it alright

New Year's Resolution No. 3 - become the generous and thoughtful friend and relative that my nearest and dearest deserve. And send thank-you cards.
Well, I didn't send the thank-you cards. And I left buying my nephew's birthday present so late that I had to give it to him in a John Lewis bag. But I did give a packet of chocolate brazils to the girl who sits opposite me at work.
VERDICT: Fail. I still don't deserve my wonderful friends and family. But there's time yet.

New Year's Resolution No. 4 - try and do at least a fraction of the exercise I did whilst pregnant the first time.
Yes! I am now doing yoga twice a week and it feels great!! Can't believe that out of all my resoultions, this has been the easiest one to keep. It is most unlike me.
VERDICT: A very smug pass.

New Year's Resolution No. 5 - spend less money on stuff that The Toddler just does not need.
Doing pretty well here. I have, in fact, spent a huge amount of money on The Toddler so far this year, but she is about to go up a clothes size, has just gone up a shoe size, and is going into her new room soon, but that's all actually necessary stuff. Go me!
VERDICT: Pass! So far.

3 out of 5! That's not bad, right? Check me out in all my awesomeness. I realise that it would have been even more awesome to have kept all five, but surely you know better than to expect that level of perfection from me by now.

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