Because what the internet needs is more wittering about rubbish parenting

Thursday 29 December 2011

Normal Service Must Resume

Boo. Festivities are over (I don't count New Year, it's rubbish). I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas. We have, it's been one long lovely round of visiting and being visited and eating all manner of nice things. And now it has come to an end. Now is the time to eat like a normal person instead of having two roast dinners and a box of chocolates every day. Now is the time to find homes for all the various singing, binging, lighting-up and screeching things that the children have been given (it would also be the time to write thank-you cards, if I were the type to be so organised and courteous, and if I stood a cat in hell's chance of remembering who bought what. But I'm not and I don't, so thank you to everyone who bought presents). Now is the time to remember that the house does not clean itself, and to realise that the washing mountain is raging out of control, and will not get any smaller without me actually doing something about it.

Needless to say, I'm not feeling as good about today as I have about the last few. It's not helped by the fact that my delightful children have decided that I don't actually need to sleep for longer than two hours in a row. The Littl'un keeps waking up wanting to play, and The Toddler keeps waking up wanting to whinge (either an ear infection or another issue with those elusive back molars, I think). Which is why we are all still in our pyjamas, we have already watched Aladdin and one DVD of Peppa Pig, and I have called in the cavalry (my mother). Now for tea, a shower, and then we'll see if I can remember how to do this thing called Normal Life.

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